What would Lloyd Dobler do..........

Targeted Advice to Humongous SUV Driver:
I park "out in the boondocks" for several reasons, which I won't bother to number. For starters, I can't drive worth a plug nickel and I don't want to have to back-out wedged next to another vehicle. Not good for me or you. And, I have to load a kid into both sides of my car. One is still in that carrier that I'm too weak to carry. (Because I surf the internet instead of working my biceps with afore-mentioned personal trainer.) This is hard to do wedged next to the biggest vehicle in the parking lot on the side into which I'm trying to load the carrier. Still more, I'm afraid that you're trying to kidnap me, so I keep looking over my shoulder, keys ready to jab your eyes out. Therefore, I just might ding your car with my door in the process. Speaking of which, this is the exercise I don't mind, walking 13,000 feet to the store, because I don't want to park next to someone who will ding my beloved 1998 (yet beautifully paid-off) recently hail-damaged car that I worship. Furthermore, if you do, I can't mutter "asshole" because my 3 year old will repeat it. Find your own space 13,356 feet away.
Advice No-One Ever Bothered to Give Me. You're Welcome:
Don't buy this for your newborn unless it has batteries. A wind-up version does not go long enough for you to pee while reading a popular gossip magazine article. A really important one.
I've been perusing blogs this week.......lots of quirky out there. It seems that quirky is suddenly cool. (The writing I mean, not the shoes. I can't see the shoes.)
(Some images are darker blue than they appear.)
So here's the math. Not my strong point, so s'cuse my errors.
365 days/year, right?. Minus Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Wedding Anniversary, Birthday, Christmas.....probably more. So perhaps only 10 days/year I'm not expecting a gift.
That leaves approximately 355 days of opportunity to surprise me with a gift, on a day that I would truly enjoy it. A day that would make me feel like the greatest Mom / Wife / Hostess / WhateverTheSurpriseExcuseThatSomeoneCouldGiftMeFor.
Harry would definitely turn to me and say "You're the worst kind".
This post was inspired by the unexpected gift I received today from a relative. Ms. Sneaky even asked me for my favorite color first. Namely blue, darker blue.
This is what happens when you let your 3 year old wear his Batman costume to town. He gets a lot of attention. Oh, boy, does he! Everyone says "Hi, Batman"! All the townspeople love a Superhero. Superheroes keep their hands off of stuff......better. Superheroes stay with Mommy because they're kind of spooked at all of the Superhero adulation. Superheroes ask for toys less because they are distracted.
Batman, once again, saves the day.
Batman, you are my hero.
C'mere, Batman. It's been 10 minutes since I've given you some sugar. Yeah, you can keep the mask on.
Drool. Baby drool is so sticky and cute.
Strong, robust plants that I am tough enough to kill by myself without even trying.
Art that speaks to me, connects with me, reaches within me, and reveals to me what I really am.
The black hole that things magically disappear into.
Ketchup shampoo.
And gifts from Grandma.
I would totally get arrested for prostitution if I did that to myself.