Oblivious Maven: Number 10, I'mAGonnaGetcha!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Number 10, I'mAGonnaGetcha!

Around 3-5 years ago, I saw an article in our newspaper regarding the ten guidelines/indicators for personal financial success. I clipped the article and had it on my fridge for a while. It really hit home with me, mainly because of #10. The other nine were cool, for self-affirming reasons, because we've done a good job here at the Maven house.

I've wasted 2 hours trying to find this article online. Grrrrrrr. Can't find it. I really wanted to link to it all fancy-like, but I'll just do the politician thing and make it up, sounding really convincing.....

Ten Signs That You Have Achieved Personal Financial Success
1. You are saving blah-blah-blah at a rate of wonk-wonk.
2. You are investing blah-blah-blah at a rate of wonk-wonk.
3. You are spending blah-blah, utilizing no wonks.
4. You have purchased a house at blah-blah, at a much less than average percentage of your blah-wonkity-blah.
5. You maintain your house and your vehicles in a blah-wonk fashion.
6. You are making sure that your blahs will be carried on to your wah-wah-wahs with wonks.
7. You tax-minus-blah the things you don't need/donate.
8. You have paid off all blahs.
9. Your wonk report is impeccable.
10. You realize that you can't have it all.

What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?

What did #10 say? Damn you to hell, #10. You suck. You suck, suck, suckety suck. If you invited me to a party, it would be a total "Suckfest". If you were an item on the menu at McDonald's, you would be "McSuck". If you were.......

Damn you, #10. I don't know where you hide in cyberspace, but I will find you. And I have some fava beans and a nice chianti...........


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