Neighborhood Romancer: Lame Update
Another sign appeared this week from the Neighborhood Romancer:

This sign reads "I love you. Have a great day."
I did want to be more exciting and post a sign from me to this stalker-ish type requesting an update on his conquest. But not knowing the legal ramifications of temporarily defiling a street sign, I was afraid this would be me at the local Post Office bulletin board:

Nah. I'll wait to see his poster instead. I hope he's cute.

This sign reads "I love you. Have a great day."
I did want to be more exciting and post a sign from me to this stalker-ish type requesting an update on his conquest. But not knowing the legal ramifications of temporarily defiling a street sign, I was afraid this would be me at the local Post Office bulletin board:

Nah. I'll wait to see his poster instead. I hope he's cute.
I love it. The supportive heckler! I might have to try this new alternative tagging myself. But knowing me, I'd be arrested straight away.
Smart move, waiting to see what he looks like.
i'm coming in here in the middle of something.
is this stalker going for you or is it just random for anybody walking by?
fil me in!
okay, okay since i have discovered a link (provided me by some dear soul) i now understand what is going on. and it is my professional opinion the romeo is a sick f*ck. either that or he is the kind of guy we wish we had. ahhhh. (reality sets in)
This saga is even better than the Taster's Choice romance. More more more!
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