Oblivious Maven: Creative Financing

Monday, August 07, 2006

Creative Financing

I love Dr. Toffifay (DDS) because there is never a wait, he charges under a dollar (if you get the standard visit), he's eye candy, and he smells good. Since it had been a while since my last visit, I decided to pick up the deluxe visit at $1.64. Here's how my visit went:

Sharp enough to scrape the scrumptious chocolate circle off of the top. Nothing loose. Perfectly straight first scrape. (Dr. Toffifay dabbles a little in orthodontia as well.)

Canines and Bicuspids:
Bite is nice and even. No sensitivity to sugar. And no sensitivity to cold, either (per refrigerated version).

Back molars:
Grind and chew hazelnut nicely. Don't chip or break.

They're still there holding my teeth in, they must be ok.

New Toothbrush:
Didn't come with either package, but with Mr. Toffifay's prices, who cares.

Final Result:
Satisfied patient. Satisfied checkbook.

Parents have to be creative when they must do without certain things....in this instance......dental insurance. We do pony it up and take Mr. Preschool to a Pediatric Dentist for check-ups. I go to Walmart, aisle 15. And even though our female dentist is a drop-dead gorgeous knockout, Mr. Husband just quit going. Now that's love.


Blogger Cristina said...

This is hilarious. And to think...all this time I have been shelling out the co-pay for dental visits when I could have just been eating candy!

12:08 AM  
Blogger Christina_the_wench said...

Wow. Who knew?

12:11 PM  
Blogger noncommon said...

never had those before.
think i might have to go try 'em!
thanks for the referral! i've been looking ofr a new dentist! the last one was a little too expensive for me. plus, he just isn't that sweet. (i was gonna say he left a bad taste in my mouth, but that sounded a little, well, you know)

2:21 AM  
Blogger Karmyn R said...

Yum, tasty Dentist too! But, does it get between the teeth? What would you suggest for that.

3:41 PM  
Blogger Mamacita Tina said...

Oh Toffifay, I know you sooooo well! Who knew of the benefits, awesome!

4:53 PM  

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