Oblivious Maven: Wonder Woman Makes Robin

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Wonder Woman Makes Robin

I made a Robin costume for my 3 year old identity-crisis-ridden, ever-changing SuperHero a couple of days ago.

I just pulled out his red t-shirt that he's outgrowing anyway and wrote on it with a yellow fabric pen that I just happened to possess and a black sharpie. Just went after it. And I drew the perfect circle, freehand:

Ok, so it's not mathematically, geometrically, architecturally, or whatever perfect. But my gosh, that was goooooood! I've never drawn a perfect circle in my whole damned life. Killer.

I followed-up with a yellow cape, etc., then Robin and I and baby went to town twice. Not only did Robin get a lot of attention, but many, many times, Mommy heard something like "Good going, Mom", "Great job, Mom", "Wow, that is so cute, Mom". And Robin told one such observer that I was Wonder Woman.

Awwwwwww. Not only was I SuperMom for a brief shiny moment, I was SuperHero Mom.

Robin, you so totally rock. I'm so glad I created you with my Super-Uterine Powers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny. isn't it great when the smallest effort makes you the most fabulous mom on the planet? if it were always that easy.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Oblivious Maven said...

Cameo - I was fabulous that day for sure!

Nicole - Thanks! I hope these are the things my kids remember. And not those other things, y'know? Those *other* things, lol.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Murp! said...

I want to be tied up with the golden lasso and be forced to tell the truth, Wonder Woman.

2:52 PM  
Blogger Oblivious Maven said...

Murp, Murp. You've been a baaa-aaa-aaaad boy. Now tell me now that you're all tied up....the truth now......Coke or Pepsi?

8:16 PM  
Blogger honkeie said...

With little ones it doesnt take much to make them smile.....then they learn what an ATM is for and that they dont have the same toys as their friends and then the home made fun looks more like mom and dad trying to be cheap with family night again. Enjoy it while it last. I gave my 3 year old and cardboard tube once that came from xmas rapping paper and he was luke skywalker for 2 days...lol

9:53 PM  

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