Oblivious Maven: Jimmy Crack Crocs

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Jimmy Crack Crocs

My son wears fake crocs, and I don't care.
Sometimes with socks, and I don't care.
He thinks they're cool, that's all I care.....
'Cause I didn't throw his college funds away-ayyyyyyyyy.
On overpriced hype.
That probably costs 34 cents to manufacture.
When right now, he doesn't care.
Oh woe is me when he does,
Check back with me then.


Blogger HULA77 said...

Uh, I'm such an idiot I don't really know what you mean by "Crocs" but I'm going to assume they're those ugly-ass plastic cloggy things? I got Bryce a pair of Aqua-something-or-others and they look so retarded, but he loves them. Stupid things were $17. I never, ever, ever spend that much on shoes for me, let alone a toddler! What the hell was I thinking? Oh yeah, it must've been that caffeine and crack!

10:37 PM  
Blogger Oblivious Maven said...

You paid $17 for ugly shoes, and they'll be outgrown in approximately 10 days?

You were loaded, man. I knew it.

Yeah, those are the shoes, lol.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Karmyn R said...

Ha! You are so clever!

1:04 AM  
Blogger Mamacita Tina said...

My sister-in-law is in serious trouble in the not so distant future. Her girls (ages 5 and 8) actually believe they're wearing Sketchers and not some imitation. Once they realize there's a difference...YIKES!

8:10 AM  
Blogger noncommon said...

why are kids such fashion victims?
i don't buy my kids name brand anything. but i will buy cheap knock-offs. they're boys - they don't care.
now when roxy gets older that might be another story. but i'm not planning on changing the rules with her!

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to get Crocs Islander for the beach. They are nice like I have seen in the catalog but can't find them at the store - says they are sold out.Crocs Free Shipping offered them so I bought them there. Seems like the only place to get some is online.

3:33 AM  
Blogger HULA77 said...

Uh, no, not loaded AT ALL. Just STUPID! I bought a size 9 for him so they're huge now. So, the ugly-ass shoes'll probably last about 30 days instead of 10. Never again I tell 'ya, never again.

8:23 AM  
Blogger Christina_the_wench said...

I stick with CVS $2.99 flip flops for my daughters. I can't for the life of me put them in crocs. They scare me to be honest.

12:09 PM  

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