Oblivious Maven: "You Were Right"

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

"You Were Right"

I think that these are three words (put together in this exact order) that men really crave to hear. You know, after you've been on his case for what he left lying around, didn't turn off, was proved wrong because, because, because. These three words to his weary ears are male ear candy, I'm betting.

So, I'm saying for the record that I WAS WRONG and HE WAS RIGHT about something tonight.

Honey, I was wrong. You were right. Want me to whisper that in your ear during the throes of passion?

Is there an adult video for men called "You Were Right"? Imagine this phrase whispered by those sultry "actresses" into male ears. It would sell millions, I'm certain.


Blogger noncommon said...

but it's such a rare occasion when they actually are right!
that's why they like to hear it so.
they're in shock and they need the re-assurance!

3:15 AM  
Blogger Mamacita Tina said...

Get on it woman, make that video and be rich beyond your wildest dreams!

2:43 PM  
Blogger Karmyn R said...

Do tell - what could he have POSSIBLY been right about?

9:09 PM  
Blogger BabyonBored said...

So true. I like to do it even when they're wrong just to get my evil way with them. I know it's wrong.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Christina_the_wench said...

I don't think I've ever said those words and I've been married 3 years now. Hmmm...

9:32 AM  
Blogger Cristina said...

I'm sure my husband would love to hear that too. Instead, he usually gets:

stop singing in that annoying voice?
where are you going?
why do you keep leaving your boxers on the floor?
Can you please help me with the baby? I can't wash the dishes while he's hanging on my leg.

I guess I should throw in a "you're right" now and then for good measure.

3:36 PM  
Blogger Oblivious Maven said...

You gals are funny!

Cameo - Does your man make you repeat it when you say he's right, as if he didn't hear it the first time?

Mamacita - You are hereby the sultry whispering lead in the movie.

Karmyn - The Geotrax RoundHouse. I said it would be too big, too bulky, too complicated for our kid's room at this time. But I finally worked it into the track so perfectly that it's an asset. But the kid didn't do it, I did. Does that still make him right?

Stefanie - You are hereby Director of said movie. I feel that I have things to learn from you.

Christina - Watch and learn.

MOTR - Sit with Christina & take notes.

12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad, isn't it? Even the most reasonable men need to hear those three words every once in a while.

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because we are always right. We just have to calculate the politics of the situation. By letting you feel you were right, that preserves peace in the household and anyone who knows anything knows if mommy is happy, everyone is happy. Oh, and my wife edited this comment for grammatical errors. I REST MY CASE. And she says that she wasn't done. Good night folks.

10:33 PM  
Blogger WIDOW'S WORLD said...

Have I Got a duff one??
I tried those words, in the interest of science.......and nothing, no "wow" or smug grin, or "thanks darling"
So I asked, dont you like those words???
NOPE, not bothered, no big deal, etc etc......
He must be lying??

4:24 PM  
Blogger willowtree said...

All women are evil (and usually wrong). Now am I right or am I right?

5:32 PM  
Blogger Maria said...

Enjoying your blog. I have never known a man to be really right, so this was enlightening.

Of course, I don't have much experience with the man issue. But, I have found that "I would love to give you a back massage!" works on anyone at anytime.

Well, except for one's Mother. I think "you were right" works really well with mothers though. I certainly have never had my child say that to me yet.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Oblivious Maven said...

WW: He's a keeper.

WT: Oh, I know this one! You are right! Am I wrong, or am I wrong?

Laura: Whoa, girl. I'm having heart palpitations even thinking about saying those words to my Mom. Even when she's rr-rr-rekdghtdheidktkst. I mean even when she's rreadaedechechechech-choke-hack-hack-hack-phlegm-spew........thud.

11:20 PM  

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