Kill the Termite! (Freeware Game)
Oh, look! In my spare time, I'm a video game programmer! This one is called "The Termitator". The object is to kill the termite. Like the ones eating into the side of my house.
Beat your monitor until you no longer see the termite. You may see a black screen, you may see the blue screen of death. Either means that you have successfully terminated the termite. You win!

Or, you could do what I did. Just throw lots and lots and lots and lots of money indirectly at it through an agency. According to all the pest control agencies, termites are deathly afraid of money. The more money you throw, the more effective. Warning, this method is a lot more costly and a lot more time consuming. But the game lasts longer, I'm still playing! Whoopie.
Beat your monitor until you no longer see the termite. You may see a black screen, you may see the blue screen of death. Either means that you have successfully terminated the termite. You win!

Or, you could do what I did. Just throw lots and lots and lots and lots of money indirectly at it through an agency. According to all the pest control agencies, termites are deathly afraid of money. The more money you throw, the more effective. Warning, this method is a lot more costly and a lot more time consuming. But the game lasts longer, I'm still playing! Whoopie.