Oblivious Maven: The Surgeon General Needs Revamping

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Surgeon General Needs Revamping

The Surgeon General needs some assistance, because too many people don't listen to him, or at least to their own damned common sense. Let me try:

Perhaps Taco Bell should start writing warning labels on those boxes of rolled-up skank like they do on their sauce packets. Perhaps people would read them then.

Tossing out some more things to ponder.........
"Smoke" rhymes with "choke" for a reason.
There is no tobacco-flavored toothpaste on the market.
There is no carpet deodorizer scented with "stale nicotine".
You don't buy tooth whitener in shade "stained ick blech".
If you're pissed-off at your tax rate, then don't. buy. cigarettes. DUH!


Blogger Swampwitch said...

I agree with you. I have never smoked but have many friends who do. I guess it's very addictive and I wish they could/would quit. When I'm with them, it's almost like sitting inside a chimney. They really don't think they know what they smell like. For those who have quit, I understand they can smell things and that food tastes better.

1:13 PM  
Blogger Mamacita Tina said...

Please, would you take on the job of surgeon general and give the public a wake up call!

7:34 AM  
Blogger Karmyn R said...

Maybe they need to do that Ad campagin again where they show a picture of a nasty old man who has been smoking for years: This is your face on smoke.

And hey - you didn't even mention the CANCER factor.

3:34 PM  
Blogger noncommon said...

as a former smoker - and one who LOVED it, i might add, i don't miss it one little bit.
i can't even enjoy myself anymore when we go out to a bar. and the second i get home, i'm in the shower washing my hair.
i'm 35 lbs. overweight. i have a horrible double chin. but i don't hardly have any wrinkles - and i can diet!

11:12 PM  
Blogger Karmyn R said...

HEY - I'm hosting the Blogging Chicks Carnival this week. Come leave an entry.

2:10 PM  

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