Trolls and Bugs & Such

Been here for a while now, and no-one has posted or emailed me to tell me how much I suck? I am total troll-bait, and no suck-mail? Ummmm, OK.
I have, however, received some nice comments & emails 'n stuff. Thank you, and thank you to the bottle of whiskey that you drank before typing "yrrrr ooo-kkkkkk soemetxxxxx, thx, hi!".
Unfortunately, because of the enormity of crap that my computer seems to endure only when I log onto blogging type sites like this one, I'm outta here. I've got enough to worry about in raising two human beings, I can not outwit bored and idle computer savvy 7-year-olds or assholes in general who like f'ing around with internet stuff. Pisses me off.
I now amble away, pissed.
Well, that makes me sad - sniff sniff.
I enjoyed reading your random, but absolutely hilarious posts.
Let us know if you come back to it.
I'm not a troll, or a bug. Maybe a little such.
Karmyn said you were hanging up your towel. Better than leaving a wet one on the bed like my kids used to do.
You will be back.
You will.
All computer hackers must be quarantined in a tiny little cell, covered with molasses and inundated by many fire ants and bumblebees. Since they like to create bugs 'n such.....they can have some. My pleasure.
I'm not very funny when I'm angry. ;o)
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