Oblivious Maven: Closet Eater

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Closet Eater

I want a bagel and cream cheese. Bagel and cream cheese. Bagel, bagel, bagel. Cheese, cheese, cheese. Yummy, yummy.........oooooh I want one! Problem is, if I eat one, my three year old will want one too, and it will ruin his dinner tonight. And being the wonderful, perfect, loving Mother I am, I won't eat one so that my boy won't ruin his dinner.

Probably makes me kinda bitchy actually, not wonderful and perfect.

Every once in a while, I can sneak in a cookie or something while he's not looking, I'm pretty skilled at that now, but how do I get the cream cheese on the bagel and chew the entire thing? It takes about 20 minutes of chewing.....

Oh, the agony.


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